Monday, December 31, 2007


It has been a very busy week for sure. I have been neglecting my online journal for too long...good it forgives me. So we pretty much had another wonderful Christmas. Which reminds me I need to write in Jadyn's journal about Christmas before I have to play catch up and my memories aren't fresh. It is a week later and already I am hazy on how things went down...ha ha.

We had the usual Family Talent Show, only this year we actually practiced. We were amazing. We had the added talents of Aaron our new brother-in-law and he really enhanced the program. The Girls sung a song that I had them listen too at the last minute and we didn't have any sheet music, but I think it sounded semi-professional. It was 'Beautiful Star of Bethlehem.' It was a breathtaking rendition, of course. :-)

The next morning we slept in until 7:30 it was incredible. I don't think in my 31 years we have ever slept in longer than that on Christmas morning, but we (Benjamin) were under strict orders not to wake up until Jadyn did. I was almost well rested on Christmas - it was crazy.
Having a 3 & 3/4 year old there is so fun. We open presents in reverse baby-act order (it is a word we apparently made up, but only means youngest to oldest, but in a much cooler and more hip way!) And Jadyn was so patient at waiting her turn and very good at throwing the wrapping paper away while unwrapping her present. She hit the jack pot Christmas morning for sure. A dollhouse, a new crib, highchair and stroller for her babies, and a new bicycle. My mom made her some flannel nightgowns (pictured above in her "I am going to hide from the camera" pose) that she LOVED, she got a barbie phone, The Friend, a cash register, movies, a new CD player (she loves music and singing and dancing and Jenn was nice enough to bedazzle the play button, so I am not constantly having to start it for her.) And I broke down and bought her a barbie. It was hard to do.

Funny story about the bicycle...everytime someone asked her what she wanted for Christmas she replied "A Bike." Well I bought her stuff in October at Costco, (because you have to buy it when it is there otherwise it is gone when you go back - random sorry.) so she reached her limit with me already, so I passed this info on to my mom. Mom said she was too young, and I aggreed she could wait. My mom also said that it would be good for her to not get everything she wants. It will be a good lesson about waiting. So I am totally fine with this, no pressure was applied by me - well that I am aware of anyway - and so I thought we would wait till her Birthday or next Christmas. So my mom calls me on Christmas Eve and asks if they should get the bike. "Mom, what about teaching her about waiting and her being older?" My mom so beautifully replied, "She is the only grandchild, so why not?" Why not indeed? Hence the Limited Edition Disney Enchanted Princess 16" bike that she loves. (but doesn't like going outside to ride - when it is cold and rainy I guess I can understand.) BTW - I love her hair in the morning!