I need to write down what she says as soon as she says it, because she says some great things, but as usual - I am forgetful. Dang...but here are a few things:
1. She is sitting on my exercise ball, and she closes her eyes and says, "I have to do my ohmmms." and she starts chanting...ohmmm...what? Where does she get that from?
2. We are in the car on the way to school/work and she says, "I am tired of school, how about we take a break." Like what Jadyn, a vacation. "Yep, thats a good idea mom, a vacation." Amen baby girl, sounds perfect. But I am a little worried that she is already tired of school and she is only in pre-school - 13 more years to go baby girl!
3. So we are looking at houses and we are driving through this one neighborhood and I show here this yellow house that is for sale and ask her if she likes it, she says no, I like that one...pointing to the one that is painted light pink...of course you like that one...thank goodness she didn't see the purple house.
4. We pull up at home and she releases her seatbelt, reaches around to the front and gives me a huge hug and says, "Mama, I am your snuggle bug." - yes you are indeed my love, yes you are.
I will add more as I remember...and I need to upload some of her artwork...the are hilarious. She makes up all kinds of creatures...her imagination is amazing.
I have to include this picture. She was in my bed and started jumping...even though we have discussed this MANY times...she still choose to hop hop hop...fall out of bed. She got a good knock on the head and a busted nose. Check out that beautiful scab. She was ok, and she hasn't jumped on my bed since...the couch, but not the bed...I need to get her in gymnastics I guess...
Song of the Day - instead I updated the entire playlist! Go me!
You never told me that you had a blog. Hello like I have anything better to do than listen to you tell funny stories about J. I need to come see you more. rr
We need to get pix of the girls together. I mean they are pretty much sister..really. Love the office. I'm almost caught up. I need season 5 1-7. 7-10 are on hulu. Do you have any idea how I can get the other ones. see you soon. rr
August 18th..are you only updating yearly?
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