Tuesday, August 19, 2008

OK one more post...

In case you wondered what a recreation professional does...I will give you a little insight to my summer. Please remember that summer is the most beautiful time of year here and remember that I spend it WORKING. Be jealous be very jealous. So one thing I do is Day Camp, not just Summer break but Spring and Winter breaks also. I also added a Counselor-in-Training program to Summer Camp three years ago - I love to create more work for myself - but it is a great program. I am also responsible for the Free Summer Food Program, providing free breakfast and lunch for Tumwater children. We have a huge event on the 4th of July - Parade, Festival, and Fireworks, and I do a little for that (mostly advertising and set-up). It is hard - as it is usually the week or closely thereafter that summer camp starts, so I stay busy...then I am responsible for the creation and production of our quarterly brochure and the Fall Brochure preparations begin in July, whew! Now for August...I take the lead on our Outdoor Movie Series which are Friday Nights in August. Last one is this Friday - Enchanted - I am really looking forward to it, mostly because after Enchanted - the event will be over for this summer. I make a 'commercial' for each film, this summer I made one...too busy. Then this year we decided to change our fundraising - Glow in the Dark golf tournament to August...and that was just this past Saturday. It worked out, but I was not able to do all the promotion and begging for money that I had done the previous hopefully next year we can move it to September or back to May...please...anyway, just a small little glimpse into my life. And a poor justification for the lack of posting and updating this's a pretty lousy one, I know. But I have to say - it's a great job. I love it and I love the people I work with, even if I miss summer. Camp ended last Friday and Screen on the Green is over Friday...looking forward to Labor Day, maybe Jadyn and I can get out and enjoy the sunshine a little...can't wait!