Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Beat Goes On...

The beat goes on...Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the here I am to continue the update of our lives over the past few months. I have woefully neglected this site and I am doing my best to catch up right now...I know people are truly invested in our lives and want to stay current...hehe.

So one BIG thing that happened in our world, is the purchase of a new was a long time coming, that is fo' sho'. I appreciate all the cars that I have driven over the years...but this one is by far my very un-exciting part of a new car is the car payment, but she's worth it...

I know it may sound silly, but I feel happier, more excited, more joyous since the purchase. It is nice to feel free. I know I could load up the car and go ANYWHERE and there is such excitement in that. Granted I don't know if I could afford the gas to go anywhere, but knowing I can make it there, and in comfort is a blessing....and as silly as it may seem - my soul delighteth...

So you may be asking yourself, so what kind of car did you get already...I will include a picture and you can guess. Before making your guess you may need to consider the following: my car buying criteria...four doors (car seats are a pain when you have to get inside the car to buckle up), automatic (I think unless you are driving a sports car - standards are unnecessary and frustrating and tiring - and make it hard to talk on your cell phone - ya feel me?! I know that I should go blue tooth, but frankly, those people look silly and they really do look like they are talking to themselves, and I look crazy enough in the car as it is - you know with the dancing, so....), and an auxiliary jack (or even a tape deck) so I could play my ipod (I know it is a seemingly silly requirement - but I dig tha tunes - ya know?) in the car and bring back one of my favorite activities - car dancing! Yessssss.....

So here is a picture...I need a name I am having a hard time deciding...maybe Razzbaria...I know we have Bluebaria already...something royalty related like - Princess Sangria...where is all my creativity???? OK, yeah tha picture...

Notice how I have the sun gleaming on my new ride...I am not a big car washer, you wouldn't believe how many times this baby has been washed...and we are not allowed to eat in the car. Jadyn loves it, and is now ready for me to buy a red house...she points them out as we are driving - all the other red cars and all the red houses...she is so cute!


Becca said...

A red house huh? You've got to admit Jadyn's got some style!! Come and visit us and take us for a ride again anytime, that was fun!