Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home...Maybe!

Do I want to be rich mom or poor mom? Look out world, most specifically Donald Trump, because I am about to become a real estate mogul. So I have started looking for a house. Well more than started, I actually made an offer on one. It's a short sale (yes, I now know what that means - thanks to my wonderful Real Estate Broker, Phil Harlan - and I can explain it reasonably well - but will refrain as it is not that exciting and actually kind of boring...)anyway the house I offered on also has two other offers, so we'll see. It is the hardest thing to get out of my head...$210,000 for this - in this area - it is actually a great house for the money, you should see some of the stuff I have been looking at - I am kind of a snob...this house is awesome - but do you know what I could buy in Texas for that? But I am not in Kanas anymore, or Texas for my example, and I can not think about that. But I do, I even look at what $70,000 less will get me in Texas, and you know what - I need to stop that. Let me up here in WA, am I going to make $70,000 more dollars in say 30 years than I would living in Texas? It's a close call, but a house here will appreciate so much better, but will I be able to live the minimized life style home buying will require of me? Sure. But it is definitely going to leave a mark! But I am paying more that $1,000 a month to live in this apartment so why not be able to paint my own walls for at least $400 more dollars a month? It's so totally worth it.

I am not a rich girl by any means, but I get compensated fairly for my job, which rocks by the way. I just have a single mother's income...which is sometimes hard, but we have plenty. I celebrated a great deal the day we no longer had to buy diapers, the celebration will also be great the day we only have part time day care...that will save me serious coin. This time next year Jadyn will be in kindergarten...I think it would be nice to be settled somewhere. Yep I just wrote that - kindergarten and me settled. I have lived in Washington almost 7 years and I have lived in 7 different dwellings...commitment problems? Maybe. More likely, no place feels like home. With the purchase of a house it will be home for at least 3.5 years, so it better be something I love. Hopefully this place will work out, because - I think I would love to make a home there. I posted a picture, but nothing else...I don't need anymore competing offers...